Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Monday, November 12, 2007


What do you expect to friends? I want to be friends with people who are relaxing to be with and ones who are exciting.

When you feel lonely or depressed, your friends would be valuable. With relaxing friends, you don't need to make amends with them and you feel at ease being around them. Sometimes when I'm down, I don't try to talk to them and friends also talk little. That's very comfortable for me and I get better feeling being with them.

On the other hand, I'd like to be with people who are very exciting. They know a lot about interesting things I don't know, and their way of thinking and behavior intrigue me. One of my friends teach me how wonderful Japanese fire works are and how to watch it. I'm surprised at his wide knowledge and I'm excited at his story. One of my other friends studied abroad in Tanzania. It's interesting to hear the story about elder of Masai he met in the village. Being with them, I learn various things and they broaden my world.

According to the Oxford dictionary, the word friend means "a person you know well and like". In my definition, "friends" means not only that, but also a person who is relaxing and exciting.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fly Your Wishes to the Moon!

As part of our Messages from Earth project, The Planetary Society, in conjunction with The Planetary Society of Japan and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), invites the world to participate in the "Wish Upon the Moon" campaign to send names and messages to Earth’s Moon on Japan's SELENE mission. Adults and children alike can submit names and brief good wishes for inclusion on the spacecraft. I will join this campaign.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Karuta - Japnese card game -

Karuta is a traditional card-matching game in Japan. A set consists of 2 types of cards-'Reading Cards' and 'Playing Cards'. The essential rule of game is as follows: A reciter reads the Reading Cards, and two or more players compete to be the first to touch the matching Playing Cards. The 100 poems for this game are taken from the anthology of Japanese traditional poetry.

Beside that it is kind of traditional event in New year season, I define Karuta as "Sports" because it require quick motion and considerably high skill to be "professional". Among them, identifying and slapping the card is completed within one second immediatly after just one or two syllables are read.
Here, the picture above is the moment right woman has slapped the card and the card is flying.

Kappa - legendary creature -

Kappa is one the most familiar mythcal creature in Japan. They are child-sized humanoids and look like frog. The most distinctive feature is that they have "dish" on their head and turtle's shell on their back. They inhabit rivers and are sometimes mischievous like kidnapping children into river. I think they used to play a roll to warn children to swim river without adults supervision.

Kappa are not entirely antagonistic to mankind, however. They are curious of human civilization, and they can understand and speak Japanese. They may even befriend human beings in exchange for gifts and invite children to play Sumo with. Because Kappa likes cucumber, the sushi rolling up cucumber are called "Kappa roll".

"Kappa roll"

Nara - my hometown -

Nara, my hometown, is the ancient capital of Japan (i.e. 1500 years ago) located in south of Kyoto and east of Osaka which is the second largest city in Japan. The most interesting spot for tourlists would be Nara park that is home to hundreds of freely roaming deer. Deer, themselves officially protected as National Treasures and regarded as messengers of the gods by Shinto. Nara has three UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as Tōdai-ji temple. Tōdai-ji (東大寺), the Eastern Great Temple, is the largest wooden building in the world, and houses a giant statue of the Buddha.